Daniil Afanasev , Ph.D.
Title: Assistant Investigator
E-mail: daniilaf@gbu.edu.cn
Construction of exact solutions in General Relativity and other gravity models, analyses of their geodesic completeness, global properties and physical interpretation
04/2022 Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences (PhD equivalent), Theoretical physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute. Moscow, Russia.
01/2011 Specialist diploma in physics, Department of Physics, Moscow State University.
【Work Experience】
11/2023- 11/2024,Assistant Investigator, Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences, Great Bay University.
07/2022-11/2023 Teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).
02/2022 Tutor, self-employed, Moscow, Russia.
【Presentations and speeches】
1. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics “Modern Gravity”, Moscow State University. “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an
electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, November, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
2. Seminar on Quantum Field Theory, Institute Lebedev Physical Institute. “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and
a cosmological constant”, November, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
3. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research.“Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic
field and a cosmological constant”, October, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
4. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute.“Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an
Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, September, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
5. Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute.“Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, April, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
6. Workshop "New Trends in Mathematical Physics". “Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a
Cosmological Constant” , November, 2020, Moscow, Russia.
7. The 17th Russian Gravitational Conference – International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (RUSGRAV-17). “Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, July, 2020, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
【List of Publications】
1. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant. II”, Phys. Rev.
D, 101:12 (2020).
2. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “On global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, Proc.
of Sci., 376 (2020).
3. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, Phys. Rev.
D, 100:2 (2019).
4. D. E. Afanasev, “Global Structure of Spherically Symmetric Solutions of Einstein's Equations with an Electromagnetic Field”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 306 (2019).