Daniil Afanasev
2024/03/06 Resource: Edit:

Daniil Afanasev , Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Investigator

E-mail: daniilaf@gbu.edu.cn

Reseach Interest

Construction of exact solutions in General Relativity and other gravity models, analyses of their geodesic completeness, global  properties and physical interpretation


04/2022 Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences (PhD equivalent), Theoretical physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute. Moscow, Russia.

01/2011 Specialist diploma in physics, Department of Physics, Moscow State University.

Work Experience

11/2023- 11/2024,Assistant Investigator, Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences, Great Bay University.

07/2022-11/2023 Teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).
02/2022 Tutor, self-employed, Moscow, Russia.

Presentations and speeches
1. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics “Modern Gravity”, Moscow State University. “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an
electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, November, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
2. Seminar on Quantum Field Theory, Institute Lebedev Physical Institute. “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and
a cosmological constant”, November, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
3. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research.“Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic
field and a cosmological constant”, October, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
4. Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute.“Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an
Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, September, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
5. Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute.“Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, April, 2021, Moscow, Russia.
6. Workshop "New Trends in Mathematical Physics". “Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a
Cosmological Constant” , November, 2020, Moscow, Russia.

7. The 17th Russian Gravitational Conference – International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (RUSGRAV-17). “Global properties of spherically symmetric solutions in General Relativity with an Electromagnetic field and a Cosmological Constant”, July, 2020, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

List of Publications
1. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant. II”, Phys. Rev.
D, 101:12 (2020).
2. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “On global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, Proc.
of Sci., 376 (2020).
3. D. E. Afanasev, M. O. Katanaev, “Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant”, Phys. Rev.
D, 100:2 (2019).

4. D. E. Afanasev, “Global Structure of Spherically Symmetric Solutions of Einstein's Equations with an Electromagnetic Field”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 306 (2019).

Cai You
Keqin Wu
Qingsheng Zhang
Research Achievements
Pak Hang Chris Lau
Xumin Jiang